Download Avr Studio For Mac Osx

Next, c reate another directory to install gcc into.
type: cd . <return> to go back into the home directory, then
type: mkdir avrgcc-4.2<return> (substituting your gcc version for the 4.2)
Navigate to the folder you created.
type: cd avrgcc-4.2 <return> (or whatever you named your folder)
Configure gcc for AVR.
Type: ./gcc-4.2.0/configure --target=avr --enable-languages=c --disable-libssp
(substituting the name of the folder you decompressed for the gcc-4.2.0)
**thanks to Seth Raphael for the --disable-libssp ti

Once the configuration is done, compile gcc.
type: make CC='cc --no-cpp-precomp' <return>

This will take a long time so go have a sandwich

When its done and you've washed your plate and silverware, install gcc. type: sudo make install<return>
and enter your password when prompted

Step 4. Download and install avr-libc (an essential C library for AVR chips)

Download the current release of avr-libc from :

Decompress the downloaded file and put the decompressed folder in your home directory

In a new Terminal window, navigagte to the avr-libc directory. from your home directory
type: cd avr-libc-1.4.6 <return> (or whatever you downloaded)

Configure avr-libc. type: ./configure --host=avr <return>

Compile avr-libc. type: make


Install avr-libc. type: sudo make install

Step 5. Download and install avrdude (the software that loads programs from your machine onto the chips)

Apache tomcat mac os download. Download the current release of avrdude from :

Decompress the downloaded file and put the decompressed folder in your home directory

Download Avr Studio For Mac Windows 10

In a Terminal window, navigate to the avrdude directory. From your home directory type: cd avrdude-5.2 (or whatever you downloaded)
Configure avrdude. type: ./configure
Compile avrdude. type: make
Install avrdude. type: sudo make install

Yay all the software is installed!

Can't get it working? Dont worry, help is available in the forums!